Chapter 10

CWF&D 1974-1983

Bill White recalls the growth of the Corps in the 1970’s. He says “the waiting list was getting quite long and parents began putting names on the list when the kids were born.  There also was a big explosion in programs: the Militia came under John Moon; the Musick Teacher’s room was inaugurated; African American programs were started; and there were many special events.”

Continue reading “Chapter 10”

Chapter 11

Virginia’s Almost Forgotten Garrison Regiment

Editor’s Note. During the Revolutionary War, there was only one so-called national regiment of American Troops called “Congress’ One,” or the “First Canadian” regiment.  All others were raised and paid by the various 13 colonies. Although Gen. George Washington was the commander-in-chief, the Continental Army was a loose-knit affair. This article pertains to one of those regiments, the Virginia State Garrison, which was designed for Virginia’s internal defense, and not under Washington’s direct command.

Continue reading “Chapter 11”