Alumni Only

Certain parts of this web site are only accessible to registered Alumni of the CW F&D. It’s nothing personal, but we are something of an exclusive group, with shared experiences and shared traditions.

So what do you get by registering? Being part of our organization gets you (re)connected to other members from your years in the Corps, give you access to material that non-members do not get (sheet music, for instance!), and makes you a part of the larger body of musicians – a true Corps – who share your experience and passions.

If you are an Alumni* of the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums, then please click through the button below to register on our site.

If you are already a registered member, then please log in to access the site.

*Alumni may be defined (according to our bylaws) as “anyone who has ever performed in costume while in the Corps.” So if you passed for Private, were issued a uniform, performed only once, then left the Corps the next day, you are – technically – an Alumni, and welcome!